Home Remedy for Dry Eyes - Relief, Treatment and Prevention

Dry eyes occur when the flow or tears is inadequate, but there are home remedies for dry that provide relief, treatment and help prevent the symptoms of dry eyes.

The eye depends on the natural release of tears to maintain the cornea (outer surface of the eye moist and lubricated to maintain vision and eye comfort.

The natural tears released from the tear ducts are mostly water but also contain natural oils and lubricants, mucus, and special proteins and substances to protect the eye and help prevent infection and wear.

Every time you blink, the eyelids spread the tiny tears over the surface of the eye to moisturize lubricate, and wash dust and debris from them.

When the flow of tears fails, people experience a variety of symptoms such as itching, burning, inflammation or irritation that tends to get worse during the day and with rubbing around the eyes.

In severe cases dry eye can cause blurred vision and the surface of the eye maybe scratch or irritated leading to infection. Some people get the feeling that something in their eye. People with severe symptoms should see a medical practitioner.

This article provides several home remedies for dry eyes and offers tips for relief and treatment of the symptoms and prevention strategies.

Glycotoxins form when a sugar molecule is bound to a lipid or protein molecule, ofter when food is caramelized or overcooked
Glycotoxins form when a sugar molecule is bound to a lipid or protein molecule, ofter when food is caramelized or overcooked . Source: author Source: Public Domain

How Common is Dry Eye Syndrome?

It is estimated that about ten million Americans suffer from dry eye symptoms, especially older people.

The tears may be inadequate, the ducts may get blocked or there is not enough oil and lubricants in the tears.

Hot, dry or windy weather conditions, air-conditioning with low humidity in the air, and cigarette smoke and other air-borne contaminants can cause dry eyes.

People who wear contact lenses have greater risk of developing dry eyes which can also be cause by various medications. Long periods of watching TV, video games and working on computers, may cause dry eyes too.

Risk Factors for Developing Dry Eye

Dry eyes can be triggered or made worse by several factors including environmental conditions and poor eye care:

Symptoms of Dry Eye

Dry eyes typically involves mild to moderate eye irritation, eye soreness and discomfort. It left untreated dry eye can lead to eye infections, and eventually permanent damage to the eyes. Typical symptoms include:

Treatment and Prevention of Dry Eyes

The symptoms of mild dry eyes can be prevented and relieved by using artificial tears (in the form of eye drops) or various liquid and cream lubricants. But this does not cure dry eye syndrome. Preservative free artificial tear drops are preferred because preservatives can irritate the eyes of many people. This may be the only prevention strategy for dry eyes induced by old age. It is worth examine how some the circumstances causing mild dry eyes can be alleviated which may provide permanent prevention and relief. Try some of these natural remedies.

Dry eyes occur when the tear glands ( Lacrimal Glands ) don't produce enough tears, the ducts are blocked or the tears evaporate too quickly due to composition or external conditions
Dry eyes occur when the tear glands ( Lacrimal Glands ) don't produce enough tears, the ducts are blocked or the tears evaporate too quickly due to composition or external conditions. Source: Public Domain
Simple Remedies for Dry Eyes using everday methods
Simple Remedies for Dry Eyes using everday methods. Source: Public Domain
Excessive redness is a sign of severe inflammation and it is time to see your doctor
Excessive redness is a sign of severe inflammation and it is time to see your doctor. Source: Public Domain
Omega 3 is great for your eyes, brain and nerves
Omega 3 is great for your eyes, brain and nerves. Source: Public Domain
Fruits and vegetables are good to help keep your eyes healthy
Fruits and vegetables are good to help keep your eyes healthy. Source: Public Domain
Many home remedies can be just as effective as non-prescription medicines for treating mild cases of dry eyes
Many home remedies can be just as effective as non-prescription medicines for treating mild cases of dry eye. Source: Public Domain
Frequent washing in plain water helps to treat dry eyes, as it spending time outside in the sunshine
Cooking steak to well-done can increase the potential toxic effects of advanced glycation. Source: Public Domain