Natural Remedies to Relieve Anxiety Symptoms Based on Research

If you are prone to anxiety there are several natural remedies you can try that have provided relief for many people. Some act to calm the stress straight away, others take a while to act. Most of these methods also provide ways to help prevent anxiety symptoms from developing. Try some of these and see what works for you:

 Chamomile Tea - is a renowned treatment and prevention tool especially when drunk regularly over long periods of time. One published study showed that taking chamomile tea over an eight week period significantly reduced the symptoms of anxiety.

► Green Tea (active ingredient L-theanine, an amino acid) - Studies have shown that green tea reduces blood pressure and heart rates and reduces anxiety.

► Bitter Herb Hops - Drinking beer does not work but hop extracts and aromatherapy, using hops, have been shown to be effective. It is very bitter and so it is hard to incorporate into teas. It is better added to teas made from other ingredients, or taken as a supplement.

► Valerian - is a herbal supplement that helps with insomnia and has a calming effect.

 Lavender - in tea and in supplements has been shown to provide a calming effect.

► Lemon balm - is an old remedy that has stood the test if time. Lemon balm is sold as a tea, supplement, and tincture. It can be combined with other herbs such as chamomile, hops and valerian.

Exercise - Regular exercise has been shown to be very effective in reducing anxiety and depression, especially in open spaces. It also build self-esteem and helps 'flush' your troubles from your brain. people who are fit are less anxious about the health, weight and well-being. Even 20-30 minutes of vigorous exercise every day, or every second day can be very effective. Recent research has shown the benefits of short high intensity exercise.

► Controlled Breathing and Holding Your Breath - Breathing deeply and in a controlled way, including yoga exercises has been shown to be a very simple remedy for relieving anxiety as soon as it starts. Holding the breath for seven or so seconds also helps people refocus and break anxiety cycles.

 Don't get Hungry or Get Overdosed on Caffeine - Everyone knows that people become irritable and more anxious when they are hungry. It can be a vicious cycle as getting anxious seems to make you feel more hungry and you get more anxious. Eating a small wholesome snack, even an apple can do wonders. Drinking a cup of tea or other fluids does the same think. Over eating huge amounts can be very counter productive as it can lead to depression and anxiety with the sugar spike drops alarmingly. Eating a whole-foods with lost of fruit and vegetables can help prevent the hunger pangs and blood sugar roller-coaster that can trigger anxiety. Don't skip breakfast if you are prone to anxiety sessions.

► Eating omega-3 fatty acids - Fish oils are known to be good for the heart and circulation, but they are also known to protect against depression and anxiety. Research studies have clearly shown this link.

 Stay warm and Comfortable - This is another simple piece of advice. People can become anxious and stressed when they are cold. Hot baths and saunas are known to relieve stress and anxiety. Even running hot water on the back of the neck in the shower can do wonders.

► Go for a Walk in the Woods ('The Forest Bath') - The Japanese call a stroll in the park or a wooded area a "forest bath." Researchers has shown that walking through a forest, on the beach or beside a stream for 20 minutes or more has a calming effect. in a beautiful forest, with the woodsy smells and the sounds of a running stream. Research has confirmed that walking in forest and natural areas is much more effective than walking in urban areas.

A Moderate Level of Anxiety Can Benefit Memory

A new study found that manageable levels of anxiety can help your memory. The study, conducted by researchers from the University of Waterloo and published in journal Brain Sciences, concluded that people subject to moderate amounts of anxiety were better at recalling events and details. The researchers surveyed a group of 80 mostly female college students using the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales to quantity anxiety. The test measures levels of anxiety and depression. The test involves a scoring guide, 0-7 is a normal score for anxiety, while 15-19 is severe. The study says that its high anxiety participants had average scores between 14.6 and 15.9.

The study found that people with manageable levels of anxiety had better memory recall,. But, those of us with high levels of anxiety — whether due to anxiety disorder or just an excessive level of stress had lower recall results. It appears that there is an optimal level of anxiety that is going to boost your memory. But it is known from other research that high levels of anxiety can cause people to reach a threshold, above which their memories and performance are impacted.

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